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The Direction of a Quirky Church
by Berry Friesen (July 17, 2017)

Bold Agenda for MCUSA Convention
by Berry Friesen (July 3, 2017)

A God Who Saves
by Berry Friesen (June 17, 2017)

Congregations Called to Public Commitments
Media Release (Jan. 10, 2017) and links to cited documents

Equipping Western Christians to Resist Imperial Propaganda:
An Opportunity for Anabaptists
by Berry Friesen (May 28, 2016)

Biblical History in a Nutshell
by Berry Friesen (March 27, 2015)

Connecting Dots:  A Short History of the Islamic State
by Berry Friesen (November 21, 2015)

Preparing Ourselves for a President
by Berry Friesen (November, 2008)