by John K. Stoner (June 9, 2017)
What was the best moment ever of your life?
Can you think of a time, a kind of ecstatic moment or peak experience, however short, when you felt any or all of the following: most fully human, most secure, hopeful, totally unafraid, filled with well-being and joy, totally connected to another person or all things, amazed at something or everything, feeling the universe as a generous habitat for life, in touch with the transcendent, or yourself in a home of peace?
Maybe you have had more than one such moment of spiritual awareness.
Reflect on that. Was it perhaps an awareness of being in touch with, or touched by, something transcendent, a scene in nature or experience of friendship, more than you can by any means understand or describe, but which you felt to be a loving and guiding energy of goodness with great potential to shape your life and impact humanity? A personal capacity for life that is very different from the empire’s ways of domination and violence?
I know that I’m asking you for a degree of introspection that you may not do very often! I’m asking you to move from your head to your heart. Maybe it’s OK to do that once in a while, right? Who ever tries to sort out the best moment of their life? But now, please read all of the above again.
Do you believe that experience was real and genuine? What have you done with it? May I ask you to bring that experience back to this blog next time, for further reflection.